Here are details of the command center so you can have a better idea of installation issues.


Command Center, front view  
The Command Center is mounted with two #6 screws, which we provide along with elastic stop nuts. You may notice that the photos seen here look somewhat different from the one on the previous page. That is because the first unit went into our test bed, a 1946 Ford pickup. It was decided to enclosed the panel with aluminum and pot it, creating a monolithic brick. This was then attached to the top of the metal dash with the same kind of adhesive strips as used for Easy Pass ID tags. If you would prefer this kind of mounting, we can pot the command center for you for a $ 75 fee.

Command Center, rear view  

Command Panel Switches, wiring schematic

Command Center, rear view  

Command Center, rear view  

The above photos show the back side of the command panel. The panel material is phenolic CE, which is very tough and has a wood grain sort of look. It is very paintable. The switches and LED's are, of course, prewired. If you will be mounting this to a panel, then cutouts will have to be made to clear the switches and the wiring which connects them. The ends of the wiring harness are labeled, and connected to the control box via the terminal strips.

Please note that we are presently making the panels as orders are placed. If you need something different, we can probably do it . Just call, and we can discuss it.

Dimensions of panel and switches  

For those of you who want just the switches & LED Indicators, and won't need our command panel, deduct $ 15.00 from the price. We will provide a wiring diagram for the switches and instructions for how to test your hookup. Maximum panel thickness for switches & LED's is 1/8 inch.
If you are hooking up the switches yourself, you MUST test the switch wiring before connecting to the control module!